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HTML Alert instead of JS Window Alert

Normally we use JS alert function to let users know something, which may not be supported in every platform. The alert box also comes with a Title "" which is not editable at all. This is disgusting. So, it will be wise to use HTML Alert instead JS Alert Function. Here is a live preview of JS Window alert()

Override a CSS Class Style

If someone wants to override a class style (like .responsive-style th), they can use CSS with higher specificity, the !important declaration, or inline styles. Here’s how each method works ...

JavaScript Code for Last Modification Date

You may want to show the Last Modification Date of your website. Here is the JavaScript code to do that. Even you can edit the date and time format by editing this line:

const formattedDate = `Last modified on ${day} ${month} ${year} at ${hour12}:${minutes}:${seconds} ${ampm}`;

How to use Classic and Block editors simultaneously?

How to use Classic Editor, Classic Widget, Classic Menu, and Gutenberg both at the same time?, and both in Classic Theme and Block Themes? It's the question of lot of developers after the introduction of Guternberg. is released under GPL, which means there should be accountability. But top decesion makers have established a aristocracy. Just read the comments of common developers here:

Drawing Graphic Tablet vs LCD Writing Tablet

A digital graphic tablet and an LCD writing tablet serve different purposes and cater to different users, even though they both involve drawing or writing on a screen.

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