Installing a PrestaShop module is quite easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide for you ...

Step 1. Prepare the Module

  • Download the module from the Gumroad or PrestaShop Addons Marketplace or another trusted source.
  • Ensure the module file is in .zip format.

Step 2. Access the Back Office

  • Log in to your PrestaShop Back Office.

Step 3. Navigate to the Modules Manager

  • Go to Modules > Module Manager.

Step 4. Install the Module

Option 1: Upload the Module Manually downloaded from Gumroad

  1. Click the Upload a module button at the top-right corner.
  2. Open the file location, and select the .zip file
  3. PrestaShop will automatically upload and install the module.

Option 2: Install from the Prestashop Marketplace

  1. Search for the module in the PrestaShop Addons Marketplace.
  2. Click Install or Buy (if it’s a paid module).
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Step 5. Configure and verify the Module

  • After installation, click Configure next to the module in the Module Manager to set it up according to your needs.
  • Check the functionality of the module on the Front Office or test its settings.


  • Permissions Issue: Ensure the modules directory and its subdirectories have appropriate permissions (755 for directories and 644 for files).
  • Compatibility Issue: Confirm the module is compatible with your PrestaShop version.
  • PHP Version Issues: Ensure your PHP version is compatible with the module (you're using PHP 8.2.12).

That's all.