HTML Alert instead of JS Window Alert
Normally we use JS alert function to let users know something, which may not be supported in every platform. The alert box also comes with a Title "" which is not editable at all. This is disgusting. So, it will be wise to use HTML Alert instead JS Alert Function. Here is a live preview of JS Window alert()
JS Window Alert
<button onclick="myFunction()">Button for JS Window Alert</button>
function myFunction() {
alert("Hi! This is JS Window Alert!");
HTML Alert
If you use HTML Alert, then it will be shown wherever you want in your html page, as plain text. Even you can modify the color, font, size - everything. Here is live preview below
<p><button type="button" id="alertButton">Button for HTML Alert</button></p>
<p id="alertMessage" style="color: red; display: none;"></p>
// HTML Alert
// developed by Tawhidur Rahman Dear
function showAlert(message, alertMessageId) {
const alertElement = document.getElementById(alertMessageId);
if (alertElement) {
alertElement.textContent = message; // Set the message = 'block'; // Show the alert
// Automatically hide the alert after 5 seconds
setTimeout(() => { = 'none'; // Hide the alert
alertElement.textContent = ''; // Clear the message
}, 5000);
document.getElementById('alertButton').addEventListener('click', () => {
showAlert('This is HTML Alert!', 'alertMessage');
Multiple HTML Alert
Not only that, you can use multiple HTML Alert Box in same page.
<p><button type="button" id="alertButton1">Press Me 1</button></p>
<p id="alertMessage1" style="color: red; display: none;"></p>
<p><button type="button" id="alertButton2">Press Me 2</button></p>
<p id="alertMessage2" style="color: green; display: none;"></p>
<p><button type="button" id="alertButton3">Press Me 3</button></p>
<p id="alertMessage3" style="color: blue; display: none;"></p>
// HTML Alert
// developed by Tawhidur Rahman Dear
// Reusable function to display a message in a specific <p> tag
function showAlert(message, alertMessageId) {
const alertElement = document.getElementById(alertMessageId);
if (alertElement) {
alertElement.textContent = message; // Set the message = 'block'; // Show the alert
// Automatically hide the alert after 5 seconds
setTimeout(() => { = 'none'; // Hide the alert
alertElement.textContent = ''; // Clear the message
}, 5000);
// Example: Attach multiple alerts to different buttons
document.getElementById('alertButton1').addEventListener('click', () => {
showAlert('This is Alert 1!', 'alertMessage1');
document.getElementById('alertButton2').addEventListener('click', () => {
showAlert('This is Alert 2!', 'alertMessage2');
document.getElementById('alertButton3').addEventListener('click', () => {
showAlert('This is Alert 3!', 'alertMessage3');