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Browsing Category " Android Studio "

How to use AdSense in Android WebView?

If you are not interested to use AdMob Ad in your WebView Android App, then alternative solution is AdSense. Prerequisites are Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.6.0 or higher. Android API level 21 or higher. ...

Earn revenue from your Mobile App

Mobile app monetization is the process of generating revenue from a mobile app, and there are several ways you can earn by publishing apps. Selecting the right app monetization model for a new app is important to its success. Learn about the different models to see which is best for your new app. Here methods of earning are discussed....

How to uninstall/delete Android Studio from Windows completely?

Step 1: Open the Windows Control Panel and under Programs, select "Uninstall or change a Program". After that, click on "Android Studio" and press Uninstall. Step 2: To delete any remains of Android Studio setting files, in File Explorer, go to your user folder (%USERPROFILE%), and delete .android, .AndroidStudio and any analogous directories with versions on the end, i.e. .AndroidStudio2.1, as well as .gradle and .m2 if they exist. You can go this way too:  C:\Users\(%USERPROFILE%)Step...

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